MCH Blood test in hindi | Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin test | लक्षण, कारण, इलाज, कीमत | High Levels
Hello friends welcome to my channel, My name is Akash Prajapati, Today's topic is MCH Test (Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Test). MCH which is found in RBCs (Red Blood Cells) in the body MCH tells us the average amount of hemoglobin in our body. what is the value Causes of MCH High Levels • Infection • Liver Disease • Cancer • Thyroid Problems • Females Menstrual Cycle = Estrogen Tablet) • Alcohol Symptoms of MCH • feeling tired • Skin yellowing • fast heartbeat • Nails break easily • Mental state is also affected • Memory loss may also occur • Loss of memory • Start forgetting things very quickly EDTA Vials in hindi - • EDTA Vial में कौन-कौन सा ब्लड सैंपल ल... DISCLAIMER - The information shown in this video have been made on the advice of the internet, books, doctors and my experience before using any of that topic mentioned in this video please do not take any treatment and test without consulting your doctor. This video made only knowledge and information, Please if you have any problem, first of all consult a doctor, only then get your problem treated and checked, Wishing you a good health, fitness and happiness. ................. Thanks for watching this video...................