Get cozy and settle in for 10 minutes of soothing scenes from the deep

Get cozy and settle in for 10 minutes of soothing scenes from the deep

To celebrate the upcoming autumn equinox, we’re sharing some of the animals of the deep whose shades evoke the fall colors we see on land. From golden yellow sponges and corals to ochre orange-hued crabs and anemones to crimson jellies and worms, the deep sea is home to a dazzling diversity of life. We never know what we’ll see on a dive into the depths. Our scientists, engineers, and submersible pilots are constantly amazed by the beauty of the animals and habitats we encounter. The trove of video filmed by MBARI’s underwater robots helps scientists document the stunning variety of life that dwells in the ocean’s depths so we can better understand humanity’s connection to the deep sea. Studying the amazing biodiversity of animals in the deep sea is increasingly critical. Overfishing, pollution, and climate change all threaten ocean health. Help us spread the word about protecting the important but rarely seen animals and habitats deep below the ocean’s surface. Learn more about the amazing animals of the deep: Producer/editor: Larissa Lemon Production team: Kyra Schlining, Nancy Jacobsen Stout, Susan von Thun Music: Meditation by juice Animals in order of appearance: 00:00 Egg yolk jelly (Phacellophora camtschatica) and juvenile red octopus (Octopus rubescens) | 61 meters (199 feet) 00:13 Red siphonophore (Marrus claudanielis) | 1,437 meters (4,713 feet) 00:27 Blacktail snailfish (Careproctus melanurus) on grooved tanner crab (Chionoecetes tanneri) | 911 meters (2,989 feet) 00:41 Red coffinfish (Chaunacops coloratus) | 3,309 meters (10,857 feet) 00:56 Big-finned octopus (Cirroteuthis muelleri) | 2,725 meters (8,940 feet) 01:13 Zoanthid coral (order Zoantharia) | 1,709 meters (5,607 feet) 01:23 Giant vent worm (Riftia pachyptila) | 2,301 meters (7,548 feet) 01:34 Eryoneicus deep-sea lobster larva (family Polychelidae) | 1,219 meters (3,998 feet) 01:45 Lemon jelly (Aegina citrea) | 950 meters (3,118 feet) 01:58 Rosy bone-eating worm (Osedax roseus) | 842 meters (2,761 feet) 02:11 Shortspine thornyhead (Sebastolobus alascanus) | 978 meters (3,209 feet) 02:23 Bloody-belly comb jelly (Lampocteis cruentiventer) | 743 meters (2,437 feet) 02:36 Giant seed shrimp (Gigantocypris agassizii) | 853 meters (2,797 feet) 02:48 Yellow Picasso sponge (Staurocalyptus sp.) | 1,193 meters (3,913 feet) 03:03 Flapjack octopus (Opisthoteuthis sp.) | 331 meters (1,085 feet) 03:14 Cantaloupe comb jelly (Aulacoctena sp.) | 1,389 meters (4,558 feet) 03:28 Ribbon worm (Phallonemertes) | 1,630 meters | 5,348 feet 03:41 Cold seep tubeworm (Lamellibrachia sp.) with deep-sea whelks and eggcases (Neptunea sp.) and lithodid crabs (Paralomis sp) | 1,322 meters (4,337 feet) 03:54 Squat lobster (Munida quadraspina) | 823 meters (2,701 feet) 04:08 Strawberry squid (Histioteuthis heteropsis) | 624 meters (2,046 feet) 04:28 Firework jelly (Halitrephes maasi) | 940 meters (3,084 feet) 04:46 Sea lily (family Bathycrinidae) | 1,993 meters (6,537 feet) 04:58 Brisingid sea star (family Brisingidae) | 1,765 meters (5,791 feet) 05:12 Spiny-tailed shrimp (Systellaspis sp.) | 1,722 meters (5,650 feet) 05:25 Deep-sea crown jelly (Atolla gigantea) | 1,019 meters (3,344 feet) 05:50 Hedgehog nudibranch (Bathydoris aioca) | 3,179 meters (10,430 feet) 06:01 Giant Pacific octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini) | 682 meters (2,239 feet) 06:16 Giant phantom jelly (Stygiomedusa gigantea) | 1,013 meters (3,324 feet) 06:41 Octopus squid (Octopoteuthis deletron) | 677 meters (2,220 feet) 06:58 Golden gorgonian (Acanthogorgia sp.) | 914 meters (2,999 feet) 07:13 Five-arm basket star (Asteronyx sp.) | 641 meters (2,103 feet) 07:31 Whalefish (family Cetomimidae) | 1,647 meters (5,404 feet) 07:45 Red paper lantern jelly (Pandea rubra) | 612 meters (2,007 feet) 08:03 California sun star (Rathbunaster californicus) | 366 meters (1,199 feet) 08:13 Abyssal king crab (Paralomis sp.) | 1,332 meters (4,370 feet) 08:25 Broad-belled siphonophore (Bargmannia lata) | 994 meters (3,262 feet) 08:39 Red balloon jelly (Deepstaria reticulum) | 948 meters (3,110 feet) 08:56 Spiny star (Hippasteria sp.) | 1,577 meters (5,173 feet) 09:08 Red sea fan (Callistephanus kofoidi) | 1,244 meters (4,081 feet) 09:22 Warty jelly (Halicreas minimum) | 967 meters (3,172 feet) 09:35 Orange-gut arrow worm (Caecosagitta macrocephala) | 963 meters (3,158 feet) 09:45 Primnoid coral (Narella sp.), black coral (Trissopathes pseudotristicha), and feather star (Florometra serratissima) | 2,668 meters (8,755 feet) 10:00 Basket star (Gorgonocephalus eucnemis) | 1,302 meters (4,271 feet) 10:09 Big red jelly (Tiburonia granrojo) | 1,452 meters (4,765 feet) 10:20 Vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) | 558 meters (1,831 feet)