FarCry Primal Gameplay Part 1 | Mammoth Hunt [1080p Ultra] [Expert Difficulty]

FarCry Primal Gameplay Part 1 | Mammoth Hunt [1080p Ultra] [Expert Difficulty]

Far Cry Primal is an action-adventure video game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by Ubisoft. It was released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows in 2016. -------------------------------------- This time, I will be playing FarCry Primal, an open world farcry game set in the stone age era. Instead of guns like in the other typical farcry game, you'll be using a lot of primordial weapons, such as spear and club. A lot of modern or even futuristic games came out these days, so FarCry Primal feels kinda innovative and fresh. -------------------------------------- Thank you for watching Leave a like if you enjoyed this video and I'll be back for more -------------------------------------- twitter :   / fiercezro   instagram :   / fiercesaris   email : [email protected]