How To Know If Someone Has Saved Your Number On WhatsApp !

How To Know If Someone Has Saved Your Number On WhatsApp !

Hey guys, welcome back to our YouTube channel! In today’s video, we’ll show you a simple method to *check if someone has saved your number on WhatsApp**. First, open the **WhatsApp app* on your mobile device and select any conversation from your chat list. Then, tap on the *contact’s name* at the top to view their profile details. If you can see their *profile picture and status**, it likely means that they have saved your number. However, keep in mind that some users modify their **privacy settings* to restrict their profile visibility. If their settings are set to **“Only My Contacts”**, only people saved in their contact list will be able to see their profile picture and status. If you are unable to view these details, it suggests that they have not saved your number. For additional confirmation, you can try **creating a WhatsApp broadcast list**. Only contacts who have saved your number will receive the message. If the person doesn’t receive your broadcast message, they probably haven't saved your number. This is a great way to double-check without directly asking them. We hope this guide helped you figure out *how to know if someone has your number saved on WhatsApp**! If you found this video useful, don’t forget to **like, comment, and subscribe* for more WhatsApp tips and tricks. Let us know in the comments if you have any other WhatsApp-related questions. Stay tuned for more helpful tutorials! #WhatsApp #WhatsAppTips #KnowWhoSavedYourNumber #WhatsAppTricks #TechTutorial #PrivacySettings #WhatsAppGuide #SocialMediaTips #ContactList #MessagingApps