The Giving Stone - The Bible Rocks Week 2 | Jon Henninger | Central Christian Church
Lead Pastor, Jon Henninger continues our series, The Bible Rocks – where we’re studying theology around geology. The Bible is FULL of stories about rocks, from David and Goliath, to Moses and the rock, to the very Resurrection of Jesus in the tomb – throughout these next six weeks we’ll hear lessons from Scripture about how God uses geology to share His powerful story. RELATIONSHIPS MATTER MOST #centralchristianchurch #worship #Jesus #HolySpirit #God #southernillinois #truth #bible #churchonline #faith #miracles #jonhenninger #family #relationships STAY CONNECTED Website: https://centralnow.com/ Central on Facebook: / centralmv Central Instagram: / centralmtvernon We do not own rights to this music. All rights are reserved to the writers.