DIY Sprinkler Blow Out with Small 6 Gallon Pancake Air Compressor and 11 Gallon Portable Air Tank

DIY Sprinkler Blow Out with Small 6 Gallon Pancake Air Compressor and 11 Gallon Portable Air Tank

October 26, 2022 Update: Check out the following post regarding how I use my Hunter Pro-C zone controller to program my sprinkler blow-out sequence:    • Post   October 26, 2021 Update: See Mohammad Fesanghary's comment where he painstakingly documented all the components he used in his build. Fall in Michigan, it's time to blow out my in-ground sprinkler system. I've paid landscape companies and sprinkler businesses to come to my house and use their giant trailer air compressors to blow the water out of my in-ground sprinkler lines. Turning off the inside valve isn't hard so I'd do that for them because I don't like strangers coming in my house. The simply had to connect their air hose to my flow-back preventer on the side of my house but I still had to be home to let them access my Hunter Sprinkler control box in my garage. I've even had to explain to the "experts" how to use the controller and helped one guy figure out how to use the air pump which was two smaller, gas-powered air compressors in the back of a pickup. They had decent air flow but weren't huge. I speculated about blowing out my own sprinklers. Of course, the danger is water freezing in underground sprinkler systems can be very costly. It can cause the lines themselves to crack and burst open, break the under-ground valves and break the sprinkler heads. That's why I can't recommend anyone do this themselves. For myself, I'm willing to take the risk that I'm blowing out enough water that even if there is some remaining, much of it may leak out or even evaporate in the months leading to when the ground is actually cold enough to freeze what water remains in the system. After getting tired of writing checks every Fall, I decided to experiment with using my small pancake air compressor. I knew it was way under-powered and under-sized but I was curious even at risk of ruining my sprinkler system if I could expel enough water from the sprinkler system to avoid problems when Spring arrived. For the past three years, it seems to be working and I'm loving the savings. I also like the self-reliance and convenience it provides allowing me to blowout the sprinklers on my schedule, not someone else's scheduled. I added the portable air tank the last two years and that has improved the process. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Some of the following links may be affiliate links which means if you buy something, I'll receive a small commission. Sprinkler System Blow Out Air Adapter Note: This adapter is different than the one in my video because mine is out-of-stock. This one has an added valve and ability to connect to male and female spigot/faucet valve providing more options. PORTER-CABLE Compressor, Oil-Free, Pancake 6-Gallon, 150 PSI Performance Tool 11-Gallon Horizontal Portable Air Tank Harbor Freight Central Pneumatic 11-gallon Portable Air Tank ⚠ DISCLAIMER: While the creator of this channel strives to make the information presented in this video as accurate as possible, they make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or applicability of the content. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. All do-it-yourself projects entail risk. It is the sole responsibility of the viewer to assume this risk. The channel creator is not responsible or liable for any loss damage (including, but not limited to, actual, consequential, or punitive), liability, claim, or any other injury or cause related to or resulting from any information or actions posted in this video. Stock Video Credits: Spinning Clock Mechanism, Volcano, Soccer Ball Net, Bubbles, Balloon: Video by Janaka Dharmasena Video by Mohamed Hassan Video by German Suarez Video by Thomas Breher Video by user Coverr-Free-Footage Kitchen Water Faucet: Stock footage provided by, downloaded from Air Gauges: Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from #sprinklers #diy #aircompressor