신현근 박사: 경계선 환자의 분석가가 느끼는 시간의 긴박성
A sense of countertransference urgency in the mind of an analyst of borderline patients 클래스유 - CLASSU: "정신분석적 인간 이해 " 강좌 초대장: Throughout the course of psychotherapy, but particularly in the early phases, many borderline patients will present their problems as though they require emergency attention involving some form of drastic action by the therapist This presentation creates a sense of countertransference urgency that makes the therapist feel as though the patient cannot possibly wait until understanding of the situation can be achieved through psychological exploration The heaving sobs of Ms Y made Dr B feel as though a catastrophe was occurring that would not be amenable to ordinary psychotherapeutic interventions (Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M , 2000, p 33) ▶영어 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M (2000) Management of countertransference with borderline patients New York: A Jason Aronson Book ▶한글 주교재 Gabbard G & Wilkinson S M 지음 한재현과 양미래 옮김 (2020) 역전이와 경계선 환자의 치료 서울: 학지사 ▶클래스유 - CLASSU: "정신분석적 인간 이해 " 강좌 초대장: