ESTIMATE  -   Meaning & Pronunciation  Word World   Audio Video Dictionary

ESTIMATE - Meaning & Pronunciation Word World Audio Video Dictionary

Estimate - Word Meaning, Pronounce English Word Correctly, How to Make a Sentence Word World is your go-to audio-video dictionary covering words from A to Z! Each video brings a word to life with its correct pronunciation, clear meaning, and easy-to-understand example sentences to show how to use it in everyday conversations. Whether you're a student, a language enthusiast, or someone looking to expand your vocabulary, Word World makes learning new words simple, engaging, and effective. Join us on this journey to strengthen your language skills — one word at a time. Subscribe now and make words work for you! Youtube --►    / @wordworld662   Facebook --► Instagram--►   / wordw_orld0   #WordOfTheDay #ImproveYourVocabulary #EnglishLearning #MeaningAndPronunciation