Spiritual Formation | W8 | November 2, 2022 | Strawbridge Community Church | New Windsor, MD
Notes: https://strawbridgeumc.org/wp-content... https://strawbridgeumc.org/wp-content... Peace and grace all– This Wednesday, November 2nd (7pm), we CONCLUDE our Bible Study in Spiritual Formation. Attached is a short (pdf) reading on the Social Justice Tradition; also attached are extra exercises for all six (6) of the traditions, as promised. Our wrap-up lesson and discussion will combine the Incarnation and Social Justice Traditions and the scriptures and questions below should get you prepared: The scriptures for our session are: Luke 10:13-17 Matthew 25:31-46 Read the passages above and write in your journal concerning: Incarnation questions… 1. Did you ever feel guilty while doing work on a Sunday (or Easter or Christmas)? 2. How would you feel if a needy person came to the pastor for rent money while service was ongoing? 3. Have you ever looked at the everyday aspects of your life (i.e. cleaning the house, loving your spouse or kids, going to work, etc) as being important to God and spiritual in a sense? 4. How does it make you feel to think that God works through you to do His work in the world? Social Justice questions… 1. Have you ever been “the stranger” in an environment? How did you feel? 2. After reading the Matthew scripture, who does the Bible call the least of these? Can you think of any additional? 3. What are some factors that keep us from getting involved in social justice activities? Amb Ross One Church, One People, One Ministry and Our Eyes Are Watching God! #strawbridgecommunitychurch #strawbridgecc #strawbridgechurch #church #faith