Sam’s/Aldi Grocery Haul | Spring Flower Arrangement | Spring Bulb Planting
Welcome back to Simply Home and Harvest! Thanks for stopping by today!! We only needed a few items from Sam’s Club and Aldi this week to get us through the 2 day snow prediction. (Spoiler alert…it was much less than what was forecasted) I picked up some beautiful flowers that we arranged into 2 separate bouquets. I also found some daffodil and tulip bulbs that we are also going to plant out today just to see if anything will come of them. So fingers crossed, we could have a gorgeous planter of tulips and daffodils on the porch for Easter! Wouldn’t that be fun?!! I hope you are warm and safe wherever you are this weekend and that today’s video finds you well! Love and Blessings! ~Jen #simplyhomeandharvest #groceryhaul #aldi #aldihaul #samsclub #samsclubhaul #flowers #flowerarrangement #planting #garden2025 #springbulbs #daffodil #tulip #springplanting #containergardening