Unranked to UNREAL Reload Speedrun But I Can Only Play Duos Fills..

Unranked to UNREAL Reload Speedrun But I Can Only Play Duos Fills..

In this video I play duo fills ranked reload to see how FAST I can hit UNREAL from being unranked… I had a lot of fun making this video meeting lots of cool people and carrying them to wins and ranking them up. Stay tuned and drop a like if you enjoy :) Like and Subscribe :) Use code secruittyoutube in the Fortnite item shop to support me Business Inquries: [email protected] Unranked to UNREAL Duo Ranked Speedrun (Fortnite Ranked) Bronze to UNREAL Ranked Speedrun (Chapter 6 Season 2) Unranked to UNREAL Solo Ranked Speedrun (World Record) Bronze to UNREAL Ranked Reload Speedrun (Duos Fill) Music - Epidemic Sound #fortniteranked #fortnite #fortnitereload