The Ant and the Cricket: The Tenth Poem in Tamil

The Ant and the Cricket: The Tenth Poem in Tamil

This poem "THE ANT AND THE CRICKET" which is adapted from Aesop's Fables explains about the lazy cricket and the hardworking ant.The sluggish cricket doesn't like to work hard and keeps enjoying itself during the summer season and when winter winter comes it seeks it's friend ant's help for food.This poem also gives a valuable message for us at the end . Question Paper - Group 4 Previous Year    • Question Paper - Group 4 Previous Year   Tnpsc group 4 previous year question paper    • Tnpsc group 4 previous year question ...   #10thenglishpoem #samacheerkalviclass10english #theantandthecricket10thpoemintamil #theantandthecricketpoemexplanation #10thenglishantandthecricket 10 th english poemsamacheer kalvi class 10 englishthe ant and the cricket 10 th poem in tamilthe ant and the cricket poem explanation10 th english ant and the cricket10th standard english ant and the cricket10 th english poem the ant and the cricket in tamilthe ant and the cricket explanationthe ant and the cricket line by line explanationthe ant and the cricket summary in hindithe ant and the cricket class 8the ant and the cricket class 8 question answer