ইফতারে হয়ে যাক স্বাস্থ্যকর প্রোটিন সালাদ | Iftar Special-Protein Salad Recipe| @shelpiskitchen007
Welcome back to the channel! In today’s video, we’re making a delicious and nutritious Protein Salad that’s perfect for a quick lunch or as a post-workout meal. This salad is packed with lean protein, healthy fats, and plenty of fiber, making it both filling and energizing! প্রোটিন স্যালাড (Protein Salad) Ingredients:- 1. মটরশুঁটি (Green Peas) 2. তেল (Oil) 3. ছোলা (Chickpeas) 4. লাল মরিচ গুঁড়া 1/4 tsp (Red Chilli Powder ১/৪ চামচ) 5. শশা (Cucumber) 6. টমেটো (Tomato) 7. সবুজ ক্যাপসিকাম (Green Capsicum) 8. মরিচ (Green Chilli) 9. পিঁয়াজ (Onion) 10. ধনিয়া পাতা (Coriander Leaves) 11. বিট লবণ (Black Salt) 12. লেবুর রস (Lemon juice) 13. সাদা গোল মরিচ গুঁড়া (White pepper powder) Instructions:- -boil the chickpeas and green peas. -in a pan add oil,boil chickpeas,red chilli powder and sauté for a minute. -in a bowl add chickpeas,boil green peas,cucumber,tomato,green capsicum,green chilli,onion,coriander leaves,black salt,white pepper powder,lemon juice and mix well with fork. -It is a healthy salad for iftar. Tags:- protein salad,high protein salad,protein salad recipe,how to make protein salad,protein salad for weight loss,salad,high protein,protein salad recipes,high protein salads,high protein salad recipe,salad recipe,salad recipes,3 high protein salad recipes,high protein salad weight loss,high protein salad recipes for weight loss,chicken salad,weight loss salad,veg protein salad,protein salads,easy protein salad,protein salad bowl,healthy salad Social Media Link:- Facebook:-https://www.facebook.com/share/1CjSwf... Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/motherskitc... Tiktok:- https://www.tiktok.com/@motherskitche... Hope you all like our videos.Like,Comment & share our videos.Be sure to subscribe for more free recipes ♥️ #food #foodrecipes #recipe #cooking #cooking #foodie #salad #ramadan2025