[HYMN] Come to the Saviour, Make no Delay (갈 길을 밝히 보이시니) | 찬송가524장

[HYMN] Come to the Saviour, Make no Delay (갈 길을 밝히 보이시니) | 찬송가524장

[HYMN] Come to the Saviour, Make no Delay (갈 길을 밝히 보이시니) - Composed & Lyrics By G F Root, 1866 - Arranged By Hyojung Seo (@Vanilla Studio) Psalms (시편) 32 : 1~11 - " I will instruct thee teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye " (Psalms 32 : 8) - King James Bible - " 내가 네 갈 길을 가르쳐 보이고 너를 주목하여 훈계하리로다" (시편 32 : 8) - 개역개정성경 #찬송가524장 #갈길을밝히보이시니 #hymn #클래식찬송가 #기도음악 #교회음악 #classicalhymn #hymn_orchestra #오케스트라찬송가