PLANTING HARDNECK GARLIC IN ZONE 6 | 2021 | What we grew this year & trying a new variety for 2022!

PLANTING HARDNECK GARLIC IN ZONE 6 | 2021 | What we grew this year & trying a new variety for 2022!

Wondering how to plant garlic in zone 6? It's pretty simple! The process of growing garlic, curing, preserving, and regrowing is a super rewarding endeavor, especially if you love garlic. ❤️ We plant out our garlic the last week of October through mid-November depending on the fall time temperatures. First, we till up the garden bed and mix in composted manure. Make rows about 4 to 6 inches apart depending on the size of the garlic. Break apart the garlic, leaving the paper and cloves intact. Plant garlic with the points high to the sky, and the flat part in the dirt. Cover with 2-3 inches of dirt. We like to mulch the beds with wood mulch as it composts back into the soil so nicely the following year, and the worms love it. We fertilize in April/May. We harvest the scapes in May/June and the garlic in July. Check out our GARLIC page: HEY check out our Garlic playlist too:    • 🧄 ALL THINGS GARLIC🧄   🧄HARDNECK GARLIC VARIETIES🧄 Chesnok Red - Homegrown (originally from Burpee) Music - Homegrown (originally from Burpee) Italy Hill Giant Ivory- Fruition Seeds 🧄 CHAPTERS 🧄 0:00 Intro, Hi! 👋 0:47 3 Garlic Varieties we’re Growing 1:40 The Garlic Plan 2:36 The Details 3:58 Getting the Garlic Ready 5:19 How to plant garlic? 7:43 How deep to plant garlic? 8:09 Moving on! 8:47 Music & Chesnok Red 10:21 Transplanting Garlic10:41 Mulching the Garlic Beds 11:06 What’s Next? 12:54 Thanks for Watching! 👍 #thebournehomestead #growinggarlic #zone6 🍅 SUBSCRIBE HERE 🐤    / @thebournehomestead   🐥 MORE HOMESTEAD STUFF 🫑 Instagram:   / thebournehomestead   Pinterest:   / thebournehomestead   Web: 🥕 CONTACT US 🥒 💛💚Thank you for watching!💚💛