Digestive Enzymes - Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - Moment of Truth
The key to good health is good digestion. The key to good digestion is in the enzymes which are produced in the saliva, as well as the pancreas and the intestine. Enzymes are important for breaking foods up into their essential components and freeing vitamins, minerals, fats and amino acids for assimilation into the bloodstream. If you're not making or secreting them efficiently, you're likely to become malnourished and symptomatic. If you're experiencing post-meal discomfort, including a heavy feeling in your belly, or you're gassy, or bloating, or perhaps you're dealing with abdominal cramping, heartburn, constipation or loose stools four to six hours after eating, you might want to consider taking a digestive enzyme supplement with your food. Quality formulation will contain various enzymes, including starch busting amylase, protein dissolving protease and fat digesting lipase. Some products will contain enzymes, like cellulase, which works on vegetable fiber and lactase, which reacts with the dairy sugar. Lactose enzyme concentrations are measured in what are called active units, which tell you how many enzymes are contained per serving size. Because acid can support the activity of enzymes, look for something called betaine HCL in your supplement or maybe include a little low ph apple cider vinegar with your meals. If you enjoy raw and fermented veggies, include those too. You'll be getting natural acids as well as plant enzymes that support the ones you're taking supplementally or producing on your own. Find more Alternative Empowering articles, videos and sign up for our newsletter at: http://criticalhealthnews.com/?uid=10... Click Here To Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2GO9Cvn Follow Us On Twitter: / criticalhealthn Follow Us On Facebook: / criticalhealthnews #BenFuchs #CriticalHealthNews #Nutrition #Coast2CoastAM