St. John - Valmy — 18th Sunday After Pentecost - 9:00 AM - September 15, 2024

St. John - Valmy — 18th Sunday After Pentecost - 9:00 AM - September 15, 2024

18th Sunday After Pentecost - 9:00 AM - September 22, 2024 Followers of Christ, Our Savior - our worship theme through October 20 Jesus Christ is the leader of our congregation, our home, our lives. And His leadership is perfect in every way. Therefore, when things are amiss in any of those arenas, what is needed is not better leadership, but better followership. In this series, we ask Christ to empower us with his Spirit so that we might better follow his lead. May we better reflect the beauty of his life, better make his priorities our own, and better serve our God and neighbor. THEME OF THE DAY - Followers of Christ: Being a Christian Means Being a Servant Humility and pride are polar opposites. Pride exalts self at the expense of God and others. Humility exalts God and others at the expense of self. Pride is the essential vice, for it increases one’s hunger for all other sins. Godly humility increases one’s hunger for the forgiveness and healing found in Christ. The one who is proud demands to be served. The one who is humble is not content unless serving others. St. Augustine described it this way: “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” As we see all Christ did to serve us, our hearts melt. Within us grows a Christ-like obsession to serve others, without counting the cost or desire to be repaid. All music used by permission under OneLicense #A-719810