Cardiac Muscle Properties (2-2024) by Dr Khaled A Abulfadle

Cardiac Muscle Properties (2-2024) by Dr Khaled A Abulfadle

Learning Objective: 1-Define cardiac excitability & clarify causes of cardiac muscle resting membrane potential. 2-Describe phases & ionic basis of cardiac muscle action potential. 3-Explain excitability changes during cardiac muscle action potential. 4-Clarify the relation between mechanical response & action potential (electrical response) of ventricular muscle fiber. 5-Distinguish factors affecting cardiac muscle excitability. 6-Define automaticity (rhythmicity) and explain pacemaker potential. 7-Differentiate ventricular and pacemaker action potentials. 8-Clarify factors affecting cardiac muscle rhythmicity. 9-Describe the conductive system of the heart. 10-Explain excitation-contraction coupling of cardiac muscle. 11-List factors affecting cardiac contractility. 12-Define all or none rule and enumerate 4 tissues obey it. 13-Clarify starling law of the heart. 14-Describe staircase (treppe) phenomenon. =========================================== Educational Video for Arabic Speakers Medical Students ============================================ Download pdf file: On my website: On Telegram: ===================================================== Join my Facebook group (SOK Physiology by Dr Khaled A Abulfadle):   / 1651296398475141   Telegram: ======================================================​​​​​​​​ نسألكم صالح الدعاء لوالدى يرحمهما الله و لموتى المسلمين ======================================================