Top 5 Facts About Scorpions | Secret Facts | Animal Planet's Most Mysterious & Dangerous Creatures |
Top 5 Facts About Scorpions | Secret Facts | Animal Planet's Most Mysterious & Dangerous Creatures | Subscribe NOW : @Top5FactVideos #Scorpions #FactsAboutScorpions #Top5Facts #ScorpionFacts #InterestingFacts #Scorpion #TopFacts #ScaryAnimals #NatureFacts #Wildlife #AnimalFacts #Top5 #Insects #Arachnids #DidYouKnow #Educational #WildlifeFacts #AmazingFacts #ScorpionSpecies #NatureLovers #Facts #Animals #Venomous #ScorpionSting #BizarreFacts #ScorpionsOfTheWorld #CreepyCrawlies #TopFive #AnimalKingdom #ScorpionVenom #InsectFacts #Nature #AmazingAnimals #WildlifeVideos #Top5Animals #FactsVideos #CreepyFacts #AnimalLovers #ScorpionBite #FunFacts #ScorpionLife #Top5List #AnimalPlanet #DeadlyAnimals #Top5Videos #NatureDocumentary #Discovery #WildAnimals #AnimalDocumentary #NatureVideos Lets uncover the secrets of one of the planet's most mysterious and resilient creatures. Today, we're talking scorpions – ancient survivors with glowing exoskeletons and surprising survival skills. Let's jump into the top 5 jaw-dropping facts about these incredible arachnids. Stay tuned for more amazing videos. Number 1. Ancient Survivors. Scorpions have been around for over 400 million years, making them older than dinosaurs and a testament to their incredible adaptability. Number 2. Glow in the Dark. Under ultraviolet light, scorpions glow due to a substance in their exoskeleton. This fascinating phenomenon is still a mystery to scientists. Number 3. Venom Variety. Not all scorpion venom is deadly. Of the over 2,500 species, only about 25 have venom potent enough to be lethal to humans. Number 4. Desert Dwellers. Scorpions can survive in some of the harshest environments on Earth, including deserts, where they can slow down their metabolism and go up to a year without food. Number 5. Maternal Care. Mother scorpions carry their young on their backs until they are old enough to survive on their own, showcasing a surprising level of parental care.