LSM Musical Advent Calendar, Day 12
In addition to students, faculty, and staff, the summer’s academy and festival is enriched by the talents, passion, and enthusiasm of the LSM Fellows. Through LSM’s Collegiate and Post-Graduate Fellowship program, fellows serve as teaching assistants to the faculty and perform, compose, teach, and skillfully manage many of the complex and behind-the-scenes workings of daily life at LSM. Today’s selection features the LSM 2021 Voice Fellows—Katie Meine, Brie Hawkins, Ezechiel Daos, and Zac Flasch—singing an inventive and thrilling new setting of “Exsultate, jubilate” by Frederick Robin, the LSM 2021 Composition Fellow: Exsultate, jubilate, o vos animae beatae, dulcia cantica canendo. Cantui vestro respondendo, psallant aethera cum me. (Rejoice, resound with joy, o you blessed souls, singing sweet songs. In response to your singing let the heavens sing forth with me.) To learn more about the Fellow program and view open fellowships for LSM 2022, visit https://www.lsmacademy.org/fellowship. Join us daily for these moments of music and reflection between now and December 24.