GTA Vice City Stories - Full Game Walkthrough (PS2)

GTA Vice City Stories - Full Game Walkthrough (PS2)

Played on the PCSX2 Emulator (PS2 Emulator) 0:00 - Intro 1:40 - Mission 1 - Soldier 8:14 - Mission 2 - Cleaning House 15:25 - Mission 3 - Conduct Unbecoming 24:11 - Mission 4 - Cholo Victory 30:36 - Mission 5 - Boomshine Blowout 37:48 - Mission 6 - Truck Stop 44:15 - Mission 7 - Shakedown 49:45 - Mission 8 - Fear the Repo 57:04 - Mission 9 - Waking Up the Neighbors 1:00:17 - Mission 10 - O, Brothel, Where Art Thou? 1:03:53 - Mission 11 - Got Protection? 1:08:19 - Mission 12 - When Funday Comes 1:13:27 - Mission 13 - Takin' Out the White-Trash 1:17:15 - Mission 14 - Marked Men 1:23:03 - Mission 15 - D.I.V.O.R.C.E. 1:28:11 - Mission 16 - To Victor, the Spoils 1:34:02 - Mission 17 - Jive Drive 1:40:24 - Mission 18 - Hose the Hoes 1:42:53 - Mission 19 - Robbing the Cradle 1:45:02 - Mission 20 - Nice Package 1:50:21 - Mission 21 - Balls 1:54:35 - Mission 22 - Papi Don't Screech 2:00:14 - Mission 23 - Havana Good Time 2:07:17 - Mission 24 - The Audition 2:14:31 - Mission 25 - Money for Nothing 2:21:35 - Mission 26 - Caught as an Act 2:24:25 - Mission 27 - Leap and Bound 2:32:05 - Mission 28 - The Bum Deal 2:36:07 - Mission 29 - Snitch Hitch 2:42:27 - Mission 30 - From Zero to Hero 2:50:05 - Mission 31 - Brawn of the Dead 3:00:11 - Mission 32 - Accidents Will Happen 3:05:55 - Mission 33 - Blitzkrieg 3:10:58 - Mission 34 - The Mugshot Longshot 3:19:56 - Mission 35 - Hostile Takeover 3:24:10 - Mission 36 - Unfriendly Competition 3:31:01 - Mission 37 - High Wire 3:42:09 - Mission 38 - Turn on, Tune in, Bug out 3:50:03 - Mission 39 - The Colonel's Coke 3:58:16 - Mission 40 - Kill Phil 4:04:26 - Mission 41 - Say Cheese 4:09:30 - Mission 42 - Home's on the Range 4:11:19 - Mission 43 - Purple Haze 4:18:51 - Mission 44 - Kill Phil: Part 2 4:26:11 - Mission 45 - Taking the Fall 4:34:00 - Mission 46 - White Lies 4:39:42 - Mission 47 - Where it Hurts Most 4:47:31 - Mission 48 - Steal the Deal 4:58:12 - Mission 49 - The Exchange 5:05:30 - Mission 50 - Farewell To Arms 5:12:35 - Mission 51 - Burning Bridges 5:17:28 - Mission 52 - Blitzkrieg Strikes Again 5:24:59 - Mission 53 - Lost and Found 5:34:25 - Mission 54 - So Long Schlong 5:41:26 - Mission 55 - Domo Arigato Domestoboto 5:51:05 - Mission 56 - In The Air Tonight 6:05:23 - Mission 57 - Light My Pyre 6:13:44 - Mission 58 - Over the Top 6:23:28 - Final Mission 59 - Last Stand 6:32:53 - End Credits