Ofloxacin tablet ip 200mg in hindi|Oflox tablet|Zenflox 400mg|Oflomac tablet uses|medicine talk
Ofloxacin is a broad-spectrum fluoraoquinolone antibiotic medicine. uses to treat bacterial infection. Ofloxacin can treat both the infectious disease of gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Ofloxacine tablet are available in different strength such as Ofloxacin 100 mg tablet Ofloxacin 200 mg tablet Ofloxacin 400 mg tablet Ofloxacin tablet brand name are Oflox tablet Oflomac tablet Zenflox tablet Zenocin tablet Zo tablet Ofloxacin tablet is used to treat the following diseases such as 1. COPD 2. Community acquired Pneumoia 3. Skin infection (except Syphillis) 4. Epididymitis 5. UTI 6. Prostatitis 7. Pelvic inflammatory disease 8. Infectious diarrhoea 9. Traveller's diarrhoea Ofloxacin tablet contraindication are 1. Hypersensitive to Fluroquinolone 2. Liver disease 3. Psychiatric illness 4. Epilepsy/ Seizure 5. Pregnancy/ Breastfeeding 6. History of myasthenia gravis Ofloxacin tablet side effects Abdominal pain Headache White spot on face & tongue Fever / Chill Black & teary stool Dark urine Blood in stool/urine Chest tightness Joint pain Nausea, vomiting Irreversible side effects are 1. Tindinitis 2. Tendon rupture 3. Peripheral neuropathy 4. CNS effects We also discuss about ofloxacin tablet Group Strength Brand name Uses in detail Dosage Contraindications Side effects and many more in hindi. Like share, sucscribe #lam #learnaboutmedicine #mohitdadhich #ofloxacin #ofloxtablet #oflomactablet #zenfloxtablet