Sonic and the Secret Rings (4K/5.1) - Retro Long Play
This is a playthrough of Sonic and the Secret Rings, the Wii game that was developed after Sega realized that the Wii would not be able to run Sonic '06 due to the hardware being underpowered. By 2007, having camera issues with 3D games was simply unacceptable as most games had resolved them and 3D had been fully embraced and figured out, yet even up to 2006 (Sonic '06), the Sonic series still had not fully figured out the 3D transition as camera issues plagued the 3D Sonic games. Sonic and the Secret Rings was often regarded as finally attempting to address the camera issues by putting Sonic on rails, not a permanent solution but it certainly helped. Camera issues with 3D Sonic would finally be resolved arguably with either Sonic Unleashed (2008) or Sonic Colors (2010), depending on whom you ask, and Sonic was no longer on rails. The first of two Sonic story book games adapts the Arabian Nights story into the Sonic universe, sort of. This is an interesting title as for some, it let us forget (or even ignore) Sonic '06, as I did for many years. Not saying this game is better than '06 as it really isn't. The graphics and soundtrack are awesome though for Secret Rings, and the story telling is definitely more on the whimsical side, compared to '06. Personally, I always enjoyed Secret Rings in spite of some of the hate it received due to it being too automated (on rails) as well as it contributing to the failure of Sonic '06 by causing the development team to be split in two to get this Wii title developed. In retrospect, this game seems to be hated but at the time back in 2007, it was rather favorably received, especially after the massive let down that was Sonic '06. The graphics (compared to other Wii games at the time) were also pretty good. Admittedly, I played this with a mod that allows you to use Xbox controls over the Wiimote, with mixed results along with an HD pack. Captured in 4K resolution with Dolby Pro Logic II Surround Sound. 0:00:00 - Game Start 0:01:26 - Story Start 0:05:55 - Lost Prologue (Missions 1 - 8) 0:18:34 - Sand Oasis Missions 0:47:27 - Sand Oasis Boss 0:51:31 - Lost Prologue (Missions 15 and 17) 0:54:20 - Dinosaur Jungle Missions 1:34:27 - Evil Foundry Main Mission 1:44:44 - Lost Prologue (Missions 9 - 10) 1:47:47 - Sand Oasis (Head to Head) 1:50:44 - Levitated Ruin Missions 2:31:10 - Lost Prologue (Missions 11, 13, and 18) 2:35:53 - Pirate Storm Missions 3:09:09 - Pirate Storm Boss 3:16:12 - Evil Foundry Missions 3:47:47 - Lost Prologue (Mission 20) 3:50:33 - Skeleton Dome Missions 4:24:14 - Night Palace Intro 4:27:45 - Skeleton Dome Missions (Continued) 4:30:05 - Lost Prologue (Mission 14) 4:31:54 - Night Palace Missions 4:59:11 - Night Palace Boss - Erazor Djinn 5:03:32 - Night Palace Ending 5:04:40 - End Credits 1 5:11:42 - Secret Book Contents 5:14:40 - Lost Prologue (Mission 21) 5:16:30 - Last Chapter Start 5:21:00 - Night Palace - Final Boss 5:25:48 - Game Ending 5:28:50 - End Credits 2 #sonic #sonicgames #sonicandthesecretrings #sonicstories #sonicthehedgehog #wiigames #wii #sonic3d #sonicsega #segagames #sega