SU,SL,UB,MB,LB train ticket Bert | Sleeper class train ticket explained in hindi ||
In this video learn SU,SL,UB,MB,LB train ticket Bert | Sleeper class train ticket explained in hindi || ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Querys:- What is the sleeper class in train? Is sleeper class 2nd class? Is 2S and sleeper class Same? Is food free in sleeper class? Can we sleep in sleeper class? Is sleeper class reserved? Can we enter sleeper class with general ticket? How do you sleep on a sleeper train? Can we travel in sleeper class without reservation? What is the penalty for travelling in sleeper class with general ticket? Can we sit in sleeper class with waiting ticket? Can I travel in train without ticket? --------------------------------------------------- 🔵 MY EQUIPMENT (Direct buy link): Best Mic for Recording:- 🔹https://amzn.to/47x7m58 Green Screen:- https://amzn.to/3QIjrym Mobile tripod:- 🔹https://amzn.to/3YGNSXB Big size Bulb for studio:- 🔹https://amzn.to/3YECrQ5 My Laptop:- 🔹https://amzn.to/3qpl1us My Mobile:- 🔹https://amzn.to/45vsAhX --------------------------------------------------- For Business Enquiry Email:- ➡️ [email protected] --------------------------------------------------- If you like the video please do subscribe my channel and share this video with all of your friends | [ Thanks for watching this video]