SAUCE101 Miso soup

SAUCE101 Miso soup

Sauce 101 to day: Zuppa di Miso 🇬🇧 Miso soup is a traditional Japanese recipe that has also had great success in the West because it is one of the basic preparations of macrobiotic cuisine, the cuisine that takes into account the energy of food according to traditional Chinese medicine. Prepare the dashi broth by boiling the water together with the kombu seaweed, bring to a boil and let it cook for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the katsuobushi, let it rest for 5 minutes then filter everything and keep the broth. Add the miso, dissolving it first in a cup with the broth, then pour the contents of this cup into the broth. From this point do not bring the soup to the boil again otherwise you will damage the nutritional properties of the miso. However, keep the flame on low to keep the soup warm. Cut the tofu and add it to the soup, then pour it into the bowls and finish with slices of fresh spring onion. Serve piping hot.