Let's Speak Korean S1Ep062 친구에게 보낼 선물이야 It's a present I'm going to give to my friend.

Let's Speak Korean S1Ep062 친구에게 보낼 선물이야 It's a present I'm going to give to my friend.

친구에게 보낼 선물이야 It's a present I'm going to give to my friend Let's Do It!! - Lisa: 그게 뭐야? - Stephen : 이거? 친구들에게 보낼 선물이야! - Lisa : 정말? 내 것도 있어? - Stephen: 글쎄 비밀이야! What is it? These? They are presents I'm going to give to my friends Really? Do you have mine? Well It's a secret!