Defeat Zhu Bajie with Ease – Boss Tips for Black Myth Wukong

Defeat Zhu Bajie with Ease – Boss Tips for Black Myth Wukong

Defeat Zhu Bajie with Ease – Boss Tips for Black Myth Wukong He's a pretty easy boss. 👉 Build Set up from Erlang -    • Ultimate Erlang Setup Guide for Black...   👉 Dusk Veil -Weavers Needle -    • Dusk Veil Boss Guide: Easy Mode Activ...   👉 Best and Worst of Black Myth Wukong -    • The Best & Worst of Black Myth: Wukon...   👉 Become the the ultimate master and beat The Great Sages Broken Shell -    • Must-Know Tips and Build to Beat Brok...   There are some tips but you'll probably only need the tips from phase 2 04:11. Cut scenes included this game is a playable movie. Timestamps 00:00 First Fight 02:55 Fight 2 Phase 1 04:11 Phase 2 V I D E O S T O W A T C H N E X T : There are some tough bosses that make you want to rage quit check it out.    • Yellow Wind Sage Defeat: Victory Danc...   -------------------------------------------- Catch them all with a quick like and sub 📺 #BlackMythWukong #WukongGameplay #EpicBossFights #BossBattle #RedBoy #YakshaKing #ErlangShen #GreatSage #Scorpionlord #YellowLoong #SupremeInspector #HundredEyedDaoistMaster #GamingTips #ActionRPG #WukongChallenge