Reformation Sunday Traditional Service - October 29, 2023 - 8:30 AM
Welcome and thank you for joining us this morning. Today we celebrate Reformation Day. We want to pray for you! Don't forget to fill out our Prayer Request/Attendance card at the bottom of our livestream page: https://stpaulplano.org/live Pastor Schinnerer's sermon is based on the Gospel Reading, John 8:31-36. Readings: Revelations 14:6-7 Romans 3:19-28 John 8:31-36 Sermon: "Stay!" - Pastor Craig Schinnerer Music from the Lutheran Service Book (LSB) All Glory Be to God Alone (LSB 948) We All Believe in One True God (LSB 954) Our Father, Who From Heaven Above (LSB 766) Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word (LSB 655) St Paul Lutheran Church - Plano, TX https://www.stpaulplano.org