Twin Pregnancy: Understanding the High-Risk Factors
In this video, I'll delve into the reasons why twin pregnancies are considered high-risk. I'll discuss the potential complications that can arise, such as: Preeclampsia: High blood pressure and organ damage during pregnancy Gestational Diabetes: High blood sugar levels during pregnancy Preterm Labor: Delivery before 37 weeks of gestation Placental Abruption: Separation of the placenta from the uterine wall Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS): When blood flow is unevenly shared between twins I'll also discuss how these risks are managed, the importance of regular prenatal checkups, and how to navigate a healthy and successful twin pregnancy. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your Queries: Twin Pregnancy Risks Why are twins high risk? Complications of Twin Pregnancy High-Risk Twin Pregnancy Twin Pregnancy Problems Dangers of Having Twins Is Twin Pregnancy Dangerous? Managing Twin Pregnancy Risks Doctor Explains Twin Pregnancy Risks Twin Pregnancy: What to Expect Risks of carrying twins Complications of multiple pregnancies Twin pregnancy health risks Preeclampsia in twin pregnancies Gestational diabetes in twins Preterm labor in twins Placental abruption in twins Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome Managing twin pregnancy risks Twin Pregnancy: Understanding the High-Risk Factors High-risk factors for twin pregnancy Twin pregnancy care What makes twin pregnancies high risk? Risks of having more than one baby Twin pregnancy complications and their causes Medical risks of multiple births Twin pregnancy and potential problems Is it harder to carry twins? Health concerns for mothers with twins Risks of having twins vs. singletons Twin pregnancy and preterm birth ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Explore More About Us: Facebook Group: / 909126136584607 Instagram: / gynea_solutions Twitter: / drnailajabeeng1 Facebook: / drnailajabeen TikTok: / dr.naila_jabeen Location: Gulberg Medical Complex,Chohan Tower,Jail Road-Lahore. Contact: +92-334-4052081 Mobile: +92-311-1100251 -------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks For watching this video 😃 Keep your love & support 💗 Allah bless you all 👍 Don't Forget to LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE