Paint a Beautiful 2 Colour Misty Morning Watercolour Sunrise Landscape loose watercolor tutorial

Paint a Beautiful 2 Colour Misty Morning Watercolour Sunrise Landscape loose watercolor tutorial

  / loisdavidsonart Paint this beautiful, very simple misty morning landscape with me, using just 2 colours, I'm testing out my handmade Prussian blue and Venetian red, soon to be available in our new shop: Pixabay photo link: I discuss my brushes and paints in the video, but please feel free to use your favourite brushes and paints if you try something similar, You can use any brand of Prussian blue and Venetian red, or substitute with Phthalo blue and Light red for similar effects, My board is at an angle of about 45-60 degrees, my paper is Millford cold pressed, taped to my board with ordinary decorators masking tape. Many thanks to my lovely Patrons for your support!