Today's Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection | November 25, 2020 - Wednesday (34th Week in O.T.)

Today's Mass Readings and Gospel Reflection | November 25, 2020 - Wednesday (34th Week in O.T.)

This Video shows the Catholic Daily Mass Readings, it includes the first reading, Psalm Response and the Gospel. you can also connect with us thru; [email protected] I want you to know that I'm reading all of your comments and suggestions. I pray for all of us. If you want to pray for someone or something, just comment down below so that I and your fellow subscribers could include them in our prayers. I hope that this (our community) will pray for each other. Let us lift each others' prayers to the Lord. Thank you and God bless. Watch A Powerful Morning Prayer    • MORNING PRAYER 🌞🌞🌞 Start Each Day wit...   Watch 5 Prayers to Teach Kids    • Top 5 Powerful Prayers to Teach Kids ...   Pray the Rosary – Luminous Mystery    • How to Pray the Rosary // Rosary Guid...   Pray the Rosary – Glorious Mystery    • How to Pray the Rosary | ROSARY GUIDE...   Pray the Rosary – Sorrowful Mystery    • How to Pray the Rosary | ROSARY GUIDE...   Pray the Rosary – Joyful Mystery    • How to Pray the Rosary | ROSARY GUIDE...   Prayer for Protection Against Covid-19    • Prayer Against COVID - 19 - A Prayer ...   Feel free to share your reflections, comments and suggestions on the Comment section down below. Music by 1. Aakash Gandhi - Angel's Dream #massreadings #bibleverse #massreadingsfortoday #todaysmassreadings #dailymassreadings #gospel #bible #bibleversefortoday #todaysbibleverse #dailybibleverse #mass #reflection #wednesday #november #34th