LIVE Sunday July 31, 2022, 11:30 AM - Holy Mass on the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Now that the dispensation from the obligation of Catholics to attend Mass on Sunday and Holy Days has been lifted, we encourage everyone to return to in-person celebrations. Streaming will continue for those that cannot attend Mass in person due to being homebound or for other serious reason. 1. Please check our parish web site for updates. https://www.straphaels.org/ 2. Please sign up with Flocknote to receive St. Raphael parish emails or texts. To do so, please text the keyword "raphaelrockville" to 84576. 3. Please subscribe to our channel, by clicking the red Subscribe button. Click the notification bell to have Google notify you of new videos (There is no cost involved.) 4. Thank you for your continued support. If you would like to make a donation online go to Faith Direct: https://membership.faithdirect.net/en...