Gen Z, This Term for Autism is NOT OKAY.

Gen Z, This Term for Autism is NOT OKAY.

💛WATCH NEXT💛: You're Not Autistic, You're just Privileged.:    • You're Not Autistic, You're just Priv...   9 Signs You are Probably NOT Autistic...:    • 9 Signs You are Probably NOT Autistic...   🐌 If you'd like, you can support the creation of these videos on Patreon! You can get 2 exclusive videos a month, access to the Discord server, podcast episodes, and more! 🐌:   / imautisticnowwhat   📸 Instagram 📸 :   / imautisticnowwhat   📹 My Videos mentioned 📹: If you think this is Infantilising Autism, you're WRONG.:    • If you think this is Infantilising Au...   9 Signs You are Probably NOT Autistic...:    • 9 Signs You are Probably NOT Autistic...   Not Stimming is MORE dangerous than you think...:    • Not Stimming is MORE dangerous than y...   The Best Theory of Autism you've probably NEVER heard of...:    • The Best Theory of Autism you've prob...   You're Not Autistic, You're just Privileged.:    • You're Not Autistic, You're just Priv...   00:00 Roger the cat 02:26 It's just a word? 04:20 But autistic people use it? 05:30 Other generations are not innocent 09:58 This makes me sad... 11:05 I can't believe people do this 12:08 Words don't matter? 15:45 If you use it... 16:17 More 'interesting' things said in TikTok 📒 Sources 📒: Roger: Reddit:   / is_he_acoustic   Urban dictionary acoustic: Know your meme acoustic: Using gay as an insult: F word is Pain relief: ‘what people say or write produces specific versions of the world, one’s self, and others, and language conveys, shapes, and perpetuates ideologies: Wikipedia r word: Euphemism treadmill: Touch of the tism:   / thoughts_on_people_calling_autism_the_tism_a   📖 *Books I'd Recommend about Autism 📖 : Aspergirls by Rudy Simone: Different not Less by Chloe Hayden (read if you want to cry): Unmasking Autism by Devon Price: *These are affiliate links. The channel will receive a small commission if you buy anything on Amazon after clicking through with this link. There's no extra cost to you; any money will go towards putting out more content. I'd love to post twice a week and put more time into research for these videos. Thank you so much - I really appreciate every like and comment! DISCLAIMER: I am a second-year psychology student and a late-diagnosed #actuallyautistic individual. I am not a qualified healthcare professional.