Top 10 Best and Easiest Legendary Guns and Weapons to Farm/Get in Borderlands 2 (No DLC) #PumaCounts

Top 10 Best and Easiest Legendary Guns and Weapons to Farm/Get in Borderlands 2 (No DLC) #PumaCounts

Link to my Twitter:   / vinylicpuma   What's going on guys? This is VinylicPuma, back with another Borderlands 2 countdown video and today, I figured I would go over 10 of what I think are among some of the Best and Easiest Legendary Guns, Weapons and other Gear to Farm for. This video will focus on great legendaries that are fairly easy to get within the game and don't necessarily require any DLC. Though I will mention a few DLC methods to obtain some of these items were appropriate. As always, if you liked this video, feel free to leave a like and let me know what you think! #borderlands2 #borderlands2top10 #PumaCounts Timecodes 0:00 - Intro 1:33 - Number 10 3:24 - Number 9 4:38 - Number 8 6:03 - Number 7 7:23 - Number 6 8:49 - Number 5 10:30 - Number 4 12:16 - Number 3 13:56 - Number 2 15:27 - Number 1 17:16 - Outro