Q&A for 10,000 Subscribers and Words for Subscribers | Korean Dermatologist, Dr.Hudson KIM

Q&A for 10,000 Subscribers and Words for Subscribers | Korean Dermatologist, Dr.Hudson KIM

#Korean #Dermatologist #DrHudson Q&A for 10,000 Subscribers and Words for Subscribers | Korean Dermatologist, Dr.Hudson KIM It’s been a while since I got more than 10,000 subscribers. As we mentioned earlier, we made this video for saying thank you, filming our trip, and Q&A. As there are more than 10,000 subscribers, Dr.Kim and all of our production staffs would like to thank all of our subscribers. We had a time to read the comments posted on videos we first uploaded and this motivated us to remember the first resolution! In addition, we will make Q&A videos regularly and try our best to solve your questions. (We are sorry that we cannot answer valuable questions) We promise to do our best in creating videos about various contents and topics to solve your curiosities about skin! Enjoy the vlog! Board-Certified Korean Dermatologist, Dr. Hudson KIM