Is Your Liver Damaged Due to Alcohol or Other Reasons??? Unbeatable Tips to Detox & Clean Naturally
Dr. Vikram Chauhan, CEO & Founder of Planet Ayurveda, is MD in Dravyaguna and with his specialization in Research on Herbs, he formulated Yakrit Plihanatak Churna for Helping the Modern People living Sedentary Lifestyle, Live Healthier. Yakrit means Liver & Pleeha means Spleen, it is One Product for All Liver and Spleen Related Disorders. Yakrit Plihantak Churna is the result of Dr. Vikram Chauhan's Research on Most Potential Herbs for Liver that are Combined in proper ratio in Yakrit Plihantak Churna (Read More here: https://www.planetayurveda.com/yakrit...) A Research on Yakrit Plihantak Churna is already done and Dr. Vikram is connected with Many Scientists with whom a Research is also going on in WHO (Link to the Research Paper: https://ijpsr.com/bft-article/standar...) Buy YAKRIT PLIHANTAK CHURNA: https://store.planetayurveda.com/prod... Dosage: Can be taken 1 teaspoon twice a day, post meals Indications Works well for Liver Cirrhosis, Liver Failure & Fatty Liver (Alcoholic & Non-Alcoholic Both) Improves Sluggish Liver Maintains SGOT/SGPT Levels Rejuvenates Liver Maintains Liver Health Reverses various Liver Disorders occurring due to any reason including Alcohol Consumption Very effective in Hepatic & Metabolic Disorders Improves Appetite Helps in Weight Loss Ingredients Bhumiamla, Bhringraj, Kalmegh, Sharpunkha, Kaasni, Makoy, Katuki & Punarnava This Product has even successfully reversed the Damaged Liver (For Better Understanding of the Product: https://www.alwaysayurveda.net/2018/0... https://www.youtube.com/@planetayurve...) Planet Ayurveda is based in India and serves Patients globally through various modes of Communication like Tele Consultations, E-mail Consultations and Online Video Consultations with Top Ayurveda Experts experienced in solving all types of Acute and Chronic Health Issues so that if People are not able to reach Healthcare, the Health Services can reach them timely. Worldwide Delivery of Pure Herbal Ayurvedic Products is available. Exclusive Outlets of Planet Ayurveda are situated in different parts of India and the World. Also, the products of Planet Ayurveda are available Online on various shopping portals like Amazon, Flipkart, 1mg, shophealthy, etc. Their Products are legally certified in India, Europe, USA and other countries as well to make available for the patients without any problem. Views of Celebrities about Yakrit Plihantak Churna: 1. • Yakrit Plihantak Churna Adv. starring... 2. • Yakrit Plihantak Churna TVC Commercia... 3. • Peene Waalo Ko Bahana Chaiye | Suraj ... 4. • Amazing Benefits of Yakrit Plihantak ... 5. • When Liver is Fit, Life is Super Hit ... 6. • यकृत प्लीहान्तक चूर्ण (Yakrit Plihant... 7. • Yakrit Plihantak Churna - Detox Your ... ************************************************************* For any Type of Health Queries, Reach us: (+91) 172-521-4040 (Call), Call / WhatsApp at (+91) 991-559-3604 Book Consultations with Ayurveda Experts from the Comfort of Your Home (+91) 842-749-4030 E-mail ID - herbalremedies123@yahoo.com Website - https://planetayurveda.com FOLLOW US : Facebook : / planetayurvedaindia Instagram : / planetayurveda Twitter : / planetayurveda4 Subscribe Our YouTube Channel : / planetayurvedatv Blog : https://www.alwaysayurveda.net #LiverDisease #YakritPlihantakChurna #DrVikramChauhan #YPChurna #Liver #LiverHealth #LiverCare #FattyLiver #LiverCirrhosis #LiverFailure #LiverFibrosis #kPa #kPaLevel #LiverTonic #HealthyLiver #ImproveLiverFunctions #LiverDiet #Spleen #Yakrit #Pliha #HealthyLifestyle #Ayurveda #AyurvedaLifestyle #ToxinFree #LiverCleanse #LiverDetox #CleanYourLiver #LiverProblems #PlanetAyurvedaYakritPlihantakChurna #HerbalSupplements #AyurvedicTreatment #AyurvedicMedicines #Health #Healthcare #PlanetAyurveda #PlanetAyurvedaProducts #AyurvedicTreatmentCentre #TopAyurvedaExperts #HerbalProductsManufacturer #OnlineVideoConsultation #AskDoctor #AskExperts #OnlineDoctor #VirtualConsultation #OnlineConsultation