Complete Modern History | Marathon Video | Spectrum | Chanchal Kumar Sharma | UPSC 2024-25
in this video Chanchal Kumar Sharma sir is discussing about the Complete Modern History in One Marathon video and giving you in depth knowledge of Modern History of India..please like & share the video and subscribe the channel for the upcoming videos of Chanchal Kumar and other top educators. join our telegram channel - UPSC with Chanchal Kumar... for more #upsc #mppsc #chanchal_kumar_sir #ssc #modern_history #history #spectrum tags : #happyvalleyacademy #chanchasir #happyvalleyacademyrise #valleyriseacademy #risehappyvalleyacademy #hvarise #hvaclasses #happyvalley #academyrise #ModernHistory #20thCenturyHistory #ContemporaryHistory #WorldHistory #HistoryExplained #HistoricalEvents #HistoryDocumentary #ModernEra #PostWWII #ColdWar #IndustrialRevolution #WorldWarI #WorldWarII #CivilRightsMovement #VietnamWar #HistoryFacts #HistoricalFigures #HistoryLessons #HistoryChannel #ModernTimes