HOW TO SMOTHER WEEDS around trees with cardboard and newspapers.#grasssmothering#cardboardproject #
Sheet mulching using cardboard or newspaper is a useful technique for getting rid of weeds in small or large areas of your garden. It’s cheap, effective and is a way to kill weeds without using herbicides. Using newspaper or cardboard as a layer underneath mulch will smother the weeds by denying them sunlight so that they rot away. Using cardboard to smother weeds is a natural and chemical-free method of weed control. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use cardboard to smother weeds: 1. Gather your materials: You will need cardboard (preferably thick and without glossy printing), mulch (optional), and any stones or heavy objects to weigh down the cardboard. 2. Prepare the area: Clear away any larger debris or rocks from the area where you want to smother the weeds. It's best to do this on a dry day when the soil is not wet. 3. Cut cardboard pieces: Cut the cardboard into manageable sizes, large enough to cover the weed-infested area. Remove any tape or plastic packaging before using them. 4. Wet the ground: Water the area lightly to moisten the soil. This helps the cardboard stay in place and promotes decomposition. 5. Lay down the cardboard: Place the cardboard pieces closely together, covering the entire area you want to smother. Overlap the edges. #WeedControl #CardboardKillsWeeds #NaturalWeedKiller #OrganicWeedControl #DIYWeedKiller #SustainableGardening #NoChemicalsWeedControl #EcoFriendlyWeedControl #CardboardMulch #WeedFreeGarden #weedkiller #cardboard #newspapermulch #how #garden #smotheringweeds #howtokillgrasswithcardboard #howtopreventweedsgrowingaroundtrees