Sunday December 17 pt2, 2023 Riverbluff Church Service
Did you know that not everyone likes to be surprised? Social scientists who study such things, tell us that about 1/3 of the gifts we get at Christmas are “surprise” gifts. Things we did not expect! Retailers also tell us that they anticipate people returning about 1/3 of the gifts they receive at Christmas. I wonder if there is some correlation here between gifts we return and gifts that we didn’t expect? (Inquiring minds want to know!) Obviously, some people don’t like surprises! It comes as no surprise to most of us, that at Christmas, because GOD so loved the world, He gave the greatest gift ever! That really wasn’t a surprise. Christ’s coming had been foretold by many prophets of GOD over the course of thousands of years! However, in the gift of sending JESUS, GOD’s great LOVE contained a few surprises that may still surprise you today! In this message, Pastor Joe Still leads us to explore a few of the surprises found in God’s great LOVE that HE sent that first Christmas! __________________________________________________ Connect with us: http://www.riverbluff.org Riverbluff Church on Facebook @riverbluffchs on Instagram How can we pray for you? http://www.riverbluff.org/help/prayer... Give: http://www.riverbluff.org/give