Choosing Presence Virtual Workshop 2023 - Week #3
SUMMARY In this video, Brian Mueller facilitates the group in discussion of Chapter 3 (Stillness), a guided meditation, and breakout group discussions. Jim Heaney, the author of Choosing Presence, answers questions from the group about stillness and the importance of practicing presence throughout the day. Other speakers share their experiences with meditation and how the workshop is helping them... MORE DETAILS This is the third session of a weekly virtual workshop on Practicing Presence based on the book Choosing Presence. The workshop is led by Brian Mueller and includes other facilitators including Chester Trocha, Mark Mehlos, and the Choosing Presence author Jim Heaney. Brian begins by welcoming the group and sharing a poem about stillness. He then leads the group in a guided 10 minute meditation focused on conscious breathing. Next, Jim answers a question about the "right intention" when Practicing Presence - to connect with God's spiritual energy through stillness. Several group members then introduce themselves and discuss their experiences with meditation and how the workshop is helping them expand their practice. Jim emphasizes the importance of practicing presence throughout the day, not just in the morning. The group splits into breakout sessions to discuss questions from the chapter on stillness. When they reconvene, Mark shares key takeaways about stillness being the foundation of the practice. Jim tells a story illustrating how stillness allows us to experience God's unconditional love. Brian thanks the group and reminds them to use the Practicing Presence App for daily reminders. He announces next week's chapter and says the study materials will be available soon. Jim offers some concluding thoughts about the power of stillness before the group ends the meeting.