FIRE END TO THIS DLC!!! | Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways Ending Gameplay | Re4 remake

FIRE END TO THIS DLC!!! | Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways Ending Gameplay | Re4 remake

FIRE END TO THIS DLC!!! Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways Ending Gameplay Re4 remake Hey guys Today I decided to Finish the DLC to Resident Evil 4 remake Separate Ways. This Ending nicely concluded the resident evil 4 story and builds up the hype for Resident evil 5. Ada Wong still deserve her own game no cap. Separate Ways is a DLC for the Resident Evil 4 remake. It is first announced in PlayStation's State of Play on September 14, 2023, and released on September 21, 2023 alongside additional content update for the game's The Mercenaries minigame. Resident Evil 4 Remake (RE4) Separate Ways Ending Gameplay Walkthrough includes DLC Story Mode, Cutscenes, DLC Gameplay, DLC Campaign, Ending, Ada Wong, Boss Fights, Full Game, Ada Wong Grapple Gun, Ada Wong Grapple Kick and more. You can expect Resident Evil 4 Remake Gameplay, Resident Evil 4 Remake DLC Separate Ways Gameplay, Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways DLC Gameplay, Separate Ways Playthrough, Ada Wong Gameplay, Resident Evil 4 Remake Separate Ways Ending, RE4 Remake DLC Ending and more. Follow me on Instagram: Follow me on Twitter:   / daqwon_   Follow me on TikTok:   / daqwon_   Reaction Channel:    / @memyselfanddaqwon   Movie/Tv show Commentary Channel:    / @badthingswithdaqwon4974   Here are some important things I care about and If you can click on these links and donate any amount helps :) BLACK LIVES MATTER: LGBTQ FUND: HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Resident Evil 4 is a 2023 survival horror game developed and published by Capcom. A remake of the 2005 game Resident Evil 4, it was released on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, and Xbox Series X/S on March 24, 2023. Players control the US agent Leon S. Kennedy, who must save Ashley Graham, the daughter of the US president, from the mysterious Los Iluminados cult. Resident Evil 4 (2023) is a remake of the 2005 game Resident Evil 4. It features "over-the-shoulder" third-person shooter gameplay similar to the original, while drawing from the remakes of Resident Evil 2 (2019) and Resident Evil 3 (2020). Resident Evil 4 features redesigned visuals, designed to create a tenser atmosphere, along with new character designs and backgrounds. It offers six controls schemes, including one styled after the original game. Occasionally the player must solve simple puzzles. In some sequences, Leon must protect the president's daughter, Ashley. She uses a simpler health system than in the original, and can be instructed to stay close or far. #residentevil4remake #gameplay #separateways #gameplayvideo