The Most Ridiculous Game of MvM I ever experienced (Part 1/2)
This is not something that should exist. This is not something you should watch. But it is something that actually happened over two years ago. I never had experienced something so ridiculous before so I had to see it through. This was also only possible due to an oversight on Valve's end where you could not kick spectators which obviously creates a huge problem on a game mode thats played with only 6 people on a team. This was abused to annoy and harass players until Valve finally fixed it. The reason this didnt see the light of day on Youtube before was simply that tons of the music I was listening to got blocked and Youtubes tools to remove audio were not functional on long ass videos like this. With the release of their "Erase Song" option I was actually able to do something about this block. I cant vouch for the effectiveness of their tool as I am not going to check back on it for a video that only exists because of its sheer ridiculousness. Game: Team Fortress 2 -- Watch live at / volva P.S.: The original video - / 1582615241