TWD | 6.09 - 'No Way Out' Intro (V1: Carl - Fear: Season 6 Style)
So here’s my latest ‘Fear the Walking Dead’ style intro for TWDU, we’re now on Season 6 of the original show! This one was actually a request from ultron 2602, and is my attempt at an intro for Episode 6.09 - ‘No Way Out’, featuring Carl Grimes (Chandler Riggs) standing in front of the blazing fire on Alexandria’s lake with walkers closing in! For this one, I have made some additions to create more detail in the intro, one of these a progessive burning/singe effect on the TWD logo for the few seconds that it appears, as well as this I have also added walker sounds. For the main theme I have mixed the themes used in Episodes 6.03, 6.06 and 6.07 of Fear. I have to say, I enjoyed the process of making this one in particular; adding walkers into the mix created a challenge that I enjoyed figuring out and completing. I knew I had to go bigger for this one, with ‘No Way Out’ being a significant episode in the history of TWD! I hope you all enjoy this one!