Garrulous | 1EQ ISL Vocab

Garrulous | 1EQ ISL Vocab

Meaning : (Adjective) Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters. Example Sentences: 1.The garrulous old man told endless stories about his youth to anyone who would listen. 2.Meena was so garrulous that her friends found it hard to get a word in. 3.During the long train journey, we were seated next to a garrulous passenger who talked non-stop. Synonyms: Talkative, Chatty, Loquacious. Q1.Which of the following is a synonym for "Garrulous"? A. Babbling B. Silent C. Reserved D. Concise Answer: A. Babbling Q2.Which of the following is a synonym for "Garrulous"? A. Verbose B. Quiet C. Laconic D. Brief Answer: A. Verbose ___________________________ ISL Signer: Punita Agarwal Intern, 1EQ Foundation Presentation Designer: Shivam Chandra ISL Content Creator, 1EQ Foundation Video Editor: Utkarsh Chaurasia ISL Content Creator, 1EQ Foundation Acknowledgements: Jagadeesh Taluri, Founder, Chairman,1EQ Foundation Richa Singh, Co-Founder, CEO,1EQ Foundation Theresa Arulvathy, Project Manager, 1EQ Foundation ISL VOCAB ___________________________________________________________ 1EQ SSC English Complete Revision Book Available on Useful for SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL, MTS, GD, Selection Post and many other exams ____________________________________________________________ SSC CGL Aspirants in Indian Sign Language (ISL) #1EQislproject #1eq #deaf #deafcommunity #indiansignlanguage #ssc #accessibility #1EQislvocab 1EQ ISL VOCAB Project 1EQ ISL Project