Giant Eagle throws a Goat alive from the sky - Eagle vs Goat
Watch this giant eagle catch a goat from the mountain, fly with it and then throw it to fall on ground to hit the land as a ball down to the end, the eagle then enjoy his ready meal. This is show how this eagle have improved his technique on hunting bigger animals with minimum effort to kill it. You may interest to watch other videos from our channel: Crocodile kills a small Kangaroo and shreds his body • Crocodile kills a small Kangaroo and ... A Huge Crocodile kills a poor dog a shocking video • A Huge Crocodile kills a poor dog a s... Huge Python got killed by Leopard • Video Lions kill a Kudu on the street while people watching • Lions kill a Kudu on the street while... Leopard escape from angry baboons! • Leopard Escape from Angry Baboons!