Always Wait For This Candlesticks Closure Confirmation Before Entering Forex Trade Buy/Sell Order

Always Wait For This Candlesticks Closure Confirmation Before Entering Forex Trade Buy/Sell Order

In this video I will be showing you the type of Candlesticks confirmation you need inorder to make your trade entry and the importance of waiting for the closure of these Candlesticks formation as a trader inorder to determine the dominant force in the market per time. DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT Join SOJI FOREX Trading Community for questions, training and mentorship enquiry by clicking on the link below for more details: #forex #trading #forexforextrading #movingaveragetradingstrategy #forextradingforbeginners #bollingerbands #commoditychannelindex #divergencetrading