English Conversation ( Ordering Food at a Restaurant) ‪@english.tangerineacademy‬

English Conversation ( Ordering Food at a Restaurant) ‪@english.tangerineacademy‬

In this video, join us for an engaging English conversation between a waiter and a customer as the customer orders food at a restaurant. Follow along as they discuss menu options, make decisions, and customize their order. Whether you're learning English as a second language or simply want to improve your conversational skills, this dialogue offers valuable vocabulary and phrases related to dining out. Watch as the customer selects appetizers, main courses, and even dessert, providing a comprehensive example of ordering food in English. Don't miss out on this informative and entertaining exchange! Subscribe for more language learning content. Your Queries: English speaking practice English speaking course English conversation practice English conversation for beginners English conversation English conversation advanced level English conversation in Indian English English conversation practice easy to speak English fluently English conversation video Angreji mein baat kaise kare Angreji mein baat karna Angreji mein baat karna kaise sikhe angreji mein baat kerne wala English conversation for kids English conversation with subtitles English conversation app English conversation audio English conversation app free English conversation ai English conversation at home with family English conversation audio download English conversation activity English conversation at the airport English conversation at the workplace Follow me on Instagram: instagram.com/forallenglish474 ‪@LearnEnglishwithJessica‬ ‪@LearnEnglishWithTVSeries‬ ‪@EnglishClass101‬ ‪@engvidRebecca‬ ‪@learnenglishwithasmae‬ ‪@english7levels‬ ‪@engvidGill‬ ‪@LearnEnglishwithBobtheCanadian‬ ‪@papateachme‬ ‪@SpeakEnglishWithVanessa‬ ‪@SpeakEnglishWithTiffani‬ ‪@SpeakEnglish‬ ‪@EnglishSpeeches‬ ‪@EnglishSingsing‬ ‪@EnglishSpeakingSuccess‬ ‪@EnglishSpeakingCourses‬ ‪@EnglishConnectionByKanchan‬ ‪@Daily-English-Conversation‬ ‪@AleenaRaisLive‬ ‪@AleenaRaisShorts‬ ‪@easyenglish551‬ ‪@zenenglish‬ ‪@DearSir‬ ‪@IMPACTFOUNDATION‬ ‪@BeepBeepNurseryRhymes‬ ‪@englishforall859‬ #easyenglish #easyenglish551 #easyenglishtechnique #englishconversationforbeginners #englishconversation #englishconversationsentences #englishspeakingtv #englishspeakingpractice #englishspeakingcourse #englishspeaking #dailyenglishconversation #dailyenglishconversationpractice #dailyenglishspeaking #dailyenglish #personainstituteforenglish