English Audio Bible | Judges (FULL STORY) | Contemporary English Version (CEV)
The Book of Judges covers about 330 years of Israel’s history (c. 1383 BC to c. 1052 BC) and is a tragic account of how Yahweh [God] was taken for granted by His children year after year, century after century. Judges is a sad contrast to the book of Joshua which chronicles the blessings God bestowed on the Israelites for their obedience in conquering the land. In Judges, they were disobedient and idolatrous, leading to their many defeats. Yet God has never failed to open His arms in love to His people whenever they repent from their wicked ways and call upon His name (Judges 2:18). Through the twelve judges of Israel, God honored His promise to Abraham to protect and bless his offspring (Genesis 12:2-3). After the death of Joshua and his contemporaries, the Israelites returned to serving Baal and Ashtaroth. God allowed the Israelites to suffer the consequences of worshiping false gods. It was then that the people of God would cry out to Yahweh for help. God sent His children judges to lead them in righteous living. But time after time they would turn their backs on God and return to their lives of wickedness. However, keeping His part of the covenant with Abraham, God would save His people from their oppressors throughout the 480-year span of the Book of Judges. Probably the most notable judge was the 12th judge, Samson, who came to lead the Israelites after a 40-year captivity under the rule of the ruthless Philistines. Samson led God’s people to victory over the Philistines where he lost his own life after 20 years as judge of Israel. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 🚩Please Subscribe If you like this Video. Ipagdadasal kita. Pagpalain ka ng Diyos~ #audiobible #tagalogbible #cev #judges