10 Reasons Your Fig Cuttings Died!! | Mistakes Made While Rooting Fig Trees!! | Simple Fixes To wow
Enter our monthly fig giveaway ↓ ↓ https://theamericanfigcompany.com/pag... Want to buy a fig tree or cuttings? Head to our new companies website below! ↓ ↓ Website: https://theamericanfigcompany.com/ Facebook: / the-american-fig-company-108700567691874 Instagram: / the_american_fig_company Transcript: 00:00:00 - 00:00:40 Hey, guys, welcome to another episode of plant fanatics. So you saw in my previous videos that my brother and I launched a company called the American Fig Company, where it's all things figs. We bring you the best varieties of figs for affordable prices from the common varieties to the most rare. Varieties were adding to it all the time. In this video, I want to talk to you guys about the most common questions that I get while rooting figs while ordering figs. Anything to do with the fig cutting that's what this video is for is to answer your questions, uh, that you may have as a beginner. Or I mean, even if you've rooted fixed before, you just want more information. That's what this video is for. So stay tuned. 00:00:48 - 00:00:54 Alright, guys, let's get right into it. Question Number one is my cutting dead. 00:00:56 - 00:01:36 There's really not not just one way to answer this question. I get this all the time. Any time that somebody gets a fig coming from me on, it's not doing what the people wanted to do right then and there, uh, you know, plants don't work on our command when you're rooting a fig. It takes time. Um so is my fig cutting dead? The easiest way to tell and let me let me show you really quick. Let me take one of these cuttings here. Okay? The easiest way to tell is gonna be to take your cutting. If it's in a cup, it's fine. Just don't move it around too much. And you just take your fingernail and you scratch it just like that. And you see that green there? 00:01:37 - 00:02:20 That green is a very good indicator that that cutting is alive and healthy. That's the easiest way to tell if a cutting is alive or not. Okay, the tops of these cuttings are going to start Liqun, if eyeing, which means that's callous ing, Um and you're not gonna be able to tell their anymore. So just because the top of your cutting looks like that is not a bad thing that's supposed to happen. It's gonna naturally happen. So scratching the bark to see the candian layer. The green layer that I just showed you is called the Campione Campione layer, and a live plant is going to have that a dead plant is not if that bark just strips off. There's no green, Um, then chances are you're cutting Did rot. It is dead. 00:02:21 - 00:03:06 That's not necessarily where you bought it from fault. Um, it's an overwatering problem. Ways to solve that would be. Make sure that there's drainage at the bottom of whatever container you're using. Thio To root these cuttings too much water is the is the kryptonite of cuttings. Um, you don't want to write your cutting. You don't want it to be too dry, but you don't want it to be too moist. But especially with fig cuttings, you don't want it to be too moist. They will rot, so just lightly moist soil is perfect. You don't want to drench it. It's not, You know, it's not like watering and already rooted potted plant. That's not how we want to do things. We want lightly moist soil. So that's question number one is my cutting dead 00:03:07 - 00:03:17 Question Number two. How do I root my fig cuttings? That's a great question, guys, And it's something that you're definitely gonna need. If you came into fig cuttings one way or another and you've never done it before. 00:03:18 - 00:03:47 You're gonna want to figure that out pretty quickly. I'm gonna put a link to my other video that I just made about how to root fig cuttings. Very high success rate. I'm not saying that. Its guarantee that depends on the cuttings that you get. I do recommend buying from the American food company. Always gonna be fresh cuttings. We stand by that if you don't get fresh cuttings. If you if they arrived in the mail, I will send you out new ones. No problem. No. If ands or buts, just send me a picture of the Camby. Um, Layer, it's dead. I will send you out. Anyone. Okay, 00:03:48 - 00:04:30 so check that out. Put the link in the description. All right? That brings us to question number three. It took a long time for my cuttings to come in the mail, so they got lost in transit or something for a little while. Ah. Are they okay? That really just depends. Cuttings stay fresh for a long time. If they're packaged. Right. I see a lot of people that say they don't put We put a moist paper towel, lightly moist paper towel in our Ziploc bag with the cuttings that we send that Ziploc bag goes in an envelope very well protected. And it also keeps that cutting nice and moist. I see a lot of people that don't wanna put paper towels because I think it's gonna mold. That's not true. Necessarily.