The Father of Mercy - Bishop T.D. Jakes
As the head of a family, you play a crucial role in this world. Loved ones lean on you for comfort just like you depend on God for it. But don't be afraid to admit limitations as there is strength in your vulnerability. Think about Paul, one of the great patriarchs and architects of the New Testament. In 2 Corinthians, even he had to put pride aside and acknowledge his humanity. He demonstrated the importance of praying without ceasing. You must believe and exercise patience! Reflect on how God’s blessed you in the past, and let those experiences fuel and fortify your faith. Message: "The Father of Mercy" Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 1:3-10 (ESV) Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes Date: June 16, 2024 #TheFatherOfMercy #TPH #TDJakes #PrayWithoutCeasing #FathersDay ✝️ Your divine appointment with destiny is here! You've journeyed on your own; now, let Jesus guide your steps. Accept His salvation NOW at http://bit.ly/2Tc8l6F. Subscribe to the official T.D. Jakes Ministries channel to stream our latest messages, your favorite sermons from over the years, and much more. 🛎️ Hit the Notification Bell so that you never miss our most recent video. 🌱 Join us in making a real impact! Your generous donation will help transform lives and build a stronger community. Visit http://bit.ly/2Tx7cFw or text TDJM followed by your donation amount to 28950 (e.g., TDJM 50 to donate $50) and be a partner in this meaningful journey. Remember, you are never alone. There is always someone here for you when you need a comforting ear. These lifelines are available 24/7, ensuring your privacy and peace of mind: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Reach out at 988 Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741-741 Disaster Distress Hotline: Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TALKWITHUS to 66-746 National Domestic Violence Hotline: Dial 1-800-799-7233 or text LOVEIS to 22-522 In need of prayer? Call 1-800-BISHOP-2 (247-4672) for any prayer requests. Join us on this sacred journey! 00:00:00 Introduction: The Father of Mercy 00:05:36 The Relationship Between Comfort & Suffering 00:11:35 When Circumstances Are Too Big for You (But Not for God) 00:15:41 Paul's Commitment to His Calling 00:28:16 A Doctrine of Suffering 00:35:56 How to Handle the Fight 00:49:57 The Power, Goodness, and Glory of God 00:58:01 Closing: Message for Fathers